Preston Newby was a youth minister. He and his wife, Tara, were driving with their son to visit...
Maggie Leyes

Posts by Maggie
Taking Americans’ Financial Pulse with the 2019 Insurance Barometer Study
Each year, Life Happens and LIMRA join forces to take consumers’ “financial pulse.” The 2019...
Life Insurance Offers Protection and Peace of Mind
Most Americans agree that preparing financially for life’s unknowns is a way to show that you...
One of the Most Powerful Gifts You Can Give
On #GivingTuesday, we wanted to share a story that highlights how important your giving can be in...
Free Guide to Long-Term Care and Tweetable Facts
It’s Long-Term Care Insurance Awareness Month—and for good reason. Many people don’t know exactly...
Here’s What People Are Worrying About (or not) When It Comes to Finances
Each year Life Happens and LIMRA join forces on the Insurance Barometer Study to get the latest...
Hey, Millennials. Life Insurance Is Now 80% Off!
So many people get down on Millennials, telling them they are doing just about everything wrong....
Danica Says It Best: Life Insurance Is Key on Your Financial Journey
It's Life Insurance Awareness Month! And we will just step aside to let our spokesperson Danica...
Getting Married? Two Questions You Need to Ask Your Partner (but Probably Haven’t)
Getting married is a big leap. And you may be in the midst of a whole lot of planning—from when...
Ouch! Feeling the Financial Pinch in a Month or Less
This statistic is startling: 7 in 10 employed Americans would feel the financial pinch in a month...
A Living Miracle
Many of us in our 20s are filled with hope and optimism about the new jobs we have—or will work...
Key Findings for the 2018 Insurance Barometer Study
Each year Life Happens and LIMRA join forces to get the latest and greatest information about what...